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1. 你是否认同多元崇拜与一元专制是此消彼长的关系?
2. 你是否预期在不久的将来会有更多的娱乐体育商界明星被封杀及禁言?
(1) 一元专制与多元专制:民主社会都是多元社会。润涛阎认为专制社会应该分为“一元专制”与“多元专制”。欧洲“政教合一”的中世纪是欧洲历史上的“一元专制”阶段;中国从秦始皇到毛泽东,基本上都属於“一元专制”。
(2) 今天的中国已经进入了有影星、球星、歌星的“多元专制”社会。
(3) “一元专制”不能越过“多元专制”而走向“多元民主” 。
Friends of Yan,
Hello everyone.
Many Chinese superstars with millions of fans in the entertainment, sports, and business industries have fallen from their pedestals in recent years and have been banned and blacklisted from the internet. China’s restrictions on free speech have been gradually tightened concurrently.
We are sharing an old piece by Lao Yan with you in this issue, which addressed the underlying roots of this occurrence. To join in the conversation, please feel free to express your thoughts in the comments section:
1. Do you agree that “monolithic dictatorship” and “pluralistic dictatorship” are in an inverse relationship?
2. Are you anticipating the collapse of additional corporate, sports, and entertainment stars soon?
Thank you all.
Runtao Book Club
Summary of Runtao’s conclusion
(1) Democratic societies are pluralistic societies. Runtao Yan divided authoritarian countries into “pluralistic authoritarianism” and “monocratic authoritarianism.” The “monistic dictatorship” ruled during both the medieval era of “unity of church and state” in Europe and the time in China from Qin Shi Huang to Mao Zedong (221 BC – 1976).
A “monistic dictatorship” is characterized by the people’s total devotion to power. This unquestionable authority comes from “Heaven,” as in the Chinese custom of acting on Heaven’s behalf, or from “God,” as in the Western merger of church and state. It outlawed worshiping anything or anybody else.
Since Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty established the imperial examination system to prevent the public from idolizing those with skills who were not given official positions, the government had made it a point to degrade these specialists. Taking into account that in addition to food, people also craved spiritual pleasures like music, theater, and acrobatics. The rulers called these extraordinary geniuses who were masters “courtesans,” treating them on a par with prostitutes, because they could not put an end to them. Moreover, their offspring were not permitted to take formal examinations. Some people claim that Mao Zedong started the “political examination.” Despite the wide range of topics, political analysis has a millennium of history.
A “monocratic dictatorship” restricts worship to the ruling class. Everything is not up to par. Those who experienced the Mao Zedong era would always remember that Chairman Mao was the source of all their accomplishments. The Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry created synthetic insulin in 1965, and the Nobel committee held off on awarding China’s submission. China was then limited to applying for the prize under a collective name, which was against the Nobel Prize’s regulations. Nobody was brave enough to submit a Nobel Prize application in their own name. China lost the chance as a result.
(2) China has developed into a “pluralist authoritarian” culture where people idolize singers, sports players, and movie stars.
Why the communist parties in China and North Korea did not undergo the same “drastic changes” as the communist countries in Eastern Europe in the 1980s is a mystery to many. Actually, China’s failure to transition from a “monocratic dictatorship” to a “pluralistic dictatorship” was the primary cause. China did not start transitioning from the “monolithic leadership” of the Maoist Communist Party to a “pluralistic dictatorship” until June 4, 1989, with the “internationalization” of joining the World Trade Organization and submitting a bid for the Olympic Games. It appears that this change has now reached a point where it cannot be reversed. Hu Jintao would never again be referred to as the “core,” and Jiang Zemin will never even be able to claim the title of “paramount leader.”
(3) It is not possible for a “monocratic dictatorship” to move directly to a “pluralistic democracy” from a “pluralistic dictatorship.”
Every democratic nation has a pluralistic society. Runtao Yan’s theory distinguishes between two types of dictatorships: pluralistic and monocratic. This theory claims that there was no “dramatic change” in Eastern Europe. Their original status as “pluralistic dictatorships” explained this. It is regarded as a “big change” or “dramatic change” to go from “pluralistic dictatorship” to “pluralistic democracy”. However, a “drastic change” is regarded as occurring when a “monocratic dictatorship” gives way to a “pluralistic democracy”. It is impossible for such a significant shift to occur, and even if it does, it will not last. The stage of “pluralistic autocracy” must be completed first.