纪念阎先生:四七 – “润涛阎项目” 基金筹款活动

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数十年来,润涛先生在辛劳工作之余奋力写作,与广大读者分享他对人生的体验,其作品亲切质朴,妙趣横生,同时富有哲理和爱心,赢得了无数网友的喜爱。为了纪念润涛先生,使更多人能够从其作品中受益,我们成立了非营利组织“润涛阎项目”(The RunTao Project),以便整理、出版润涛先生的作品,运营先生在去世前不久亲自参与设立的网站 runtaoyan.org,为大家提供一个赏析先生作品,缅怀先生情谊、传播先生思想而互动的平台。

我们为此宣布,通过 GoFundMe 组织一次筹款活动为“润涛阎项目”提供资金。资金使用范围将仅限于传播、出版润涛先生的作品和运营 runtaoyan.org 网站。我们的初步工作规划包括整理先生的遗作,以及保证 runtaoyan.org 网站运营。中期规划包括整理出版《独目观世》第二集、在技术和内容两方面对 runtaoyan.org 网站升级,并考虑将部分内容译成英文。欢迎网友们通过网站留言提出意见和建议。




As many of you may know, our beloved father, husband, friend and mentor, Dr. Run-Tao Yan, recently passed away. He leaves behind not just a lifetime of beautiful memories for his family and friends to remember, but incredible impact on so many wonderful readers across the world. Dr. Yan also left behind unpublished work, as well as a passion for helping others learn. 

We are proud to announce The RunTao Project in honor of Dr. Run-Tao Yan, whose prolific life observations over 15 years of writing was beloved by many. Before his passing, with the help of a few of his reader friends, Run-Tao had started his own website, runtaoyan.org, hosting his articles. Now, with The RunTao Project, we can ensure this website continues to cultivate a positive community of discussion and learning, keeping his memory and what he strived to create alive. 

So, we are setting up this GoFundMe campaign to raise contributions to help with immediate needs to plan and carry on his legacy. With significant contributions, we will focus on community engagement, making the site a vivid place for discussion and learning, which also helps keep his writings as relevant as possible for any future readers. We hope to upgrade the website, invite guest editors, etc. Run-Tao wrote over 1000 articles on various online platforms, and our goal is to organize them into themes to promote further discussion, translate them to English, and find ways to ensure his legacy lives on with the community he so deeply cherished.

We will share updates as we get more details and make progress on The RunTao Project. We want to thank you all for your outpouring of support in loving memory of our father, husband, and friend Dr. Run-Tao Yan. 

Thank you,
Dr. Run-Tao Yan’s family and friends

Please note that all funds raised through this campaign will go directly to The RunTao Project, a newly formed non-profit organization.  Donations to this fund do not entitle donors to any ownership interest in the The RunTao Project. The RunTao Project intends to request exemption from federal income taxation pursuant to Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3) in the near future.  At this time, however, that exemption has not been granted.  Please consult with your tax advisor to determine whether your donation is tax deductible.  Nothing in this communication is intended to constitute legal or tax advice.

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