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Hamas and Iran are longtime allies. Did Tehran help with its attack on Israel?

Why China has chosen to side with Hamas — and Iran — over Israel


I. 老阎观点 – 关于以色列建国的背景

恐怖分子的最大特征是欺软怕硬。最早了解伊斯兰圣战分子特征的是英国人。当年英国人占领中东时发现,主张“圣战”的伊斯兰原教旨主义者却是极端怕死的一族。他们最懂得审时度势、看人下菜碟。一旦发现你比他厉害,他立刻逃跑。几千人就可让整个中东沦为殖民地。美国的战略家们也明白了这一点,建议在英国撤出中东后要让犹太人复国,一个以色列弹丸之国便可牵制住整个中东伊斯兰教国家。这样,伊斯兰教国家就不会干扰美国的全球霸权大业。以色列建国后的两次中东战争,几十万以色列人就可以战胜中东多国联军,靠的是犹太人知道“圣战”喊叫者伊斯兰教徒都是怕死鬼、欺软怕硬。两次中东战争后,埃及立刻主动跟以色列和好。一个以色列弹丸之地,便可把整个伊斯兰中东震住。这就省了美国很多事。   ”



II. 老阎观点 -犹太人决定美国的内政外交






III. 老阎观点中共支持伊朗=彻底得罪了犹太人 :


“中共跟伊朗组成战略同盟(有可能是受俄罗斯普京的忽悠,因为中美交恶,两败俱伤获利最大的就是俄罗斯。俄罗斯是有企图在必要的时候关闭输送给中共的石油管道,比如在中美打起来的时候。这是中共必须跟伊朗合作的战略考虑 。因为那是石油海路被印度、美国、新加坡等有能力或联手关闭马六甲海峡后中共能通过陆路运输石油的大后方。)在中东问题上,中国选择站在伊朗一边,而不是中立。就等于跟犹太人死磕,得罪的不仅仅是以色列,还有美国。因为伊朗公然说要把以色列从地球上抹去。“

“过去的几十年里,以色列做到了全方位对中国开放,中共的资本进入以色列如入无人之境。结果还是阻止不了中共与伊朗眉来眼去。 “













Editor’s Note: Hello everyone. The recent regional conflicts around the world, especially the Hamas armed attacks on Israel, have triggered world concerns about the scale of the war and the expansion of its regional impact.

News Link:

Hamas and Iran are longtime allies. Did Tehran help with its attack on Israel?

Why China has chosen to side with Hamas — and Iran — over Israel.

We summarize Lao Yan’s views from the following perspectives, please share your opinion in the following topics:

I. Lao Yan’s Point of View – Background of Israel’s Founding

The most important characteristic of terrorists is that they are tyrants. The first to understand the characteristics of Islamic jihadists were the British. When the British occupied the Middle East, they found that the Islamic fundamentalists who advocated “jihad” were extremely afraid of death. Islamic jihadists are good at taking stock and seeing what is going on.  As soon as they realize that others are stronger than they are, they run away. The fact that a few thousand British can colonize the entire Middle East in early 20th century is a good example. American strategists have also realized this point and suggested that after Britain withdraws from the Middle East, the Jews should be restored and a single country populated by Israelis can keep all the Islamic countries in the Middle East in check. In this way, the Islamic countries would not interfere with the global hegemony of the United States. In the two Middle East wars after the establishment of the state of Israel, hundreds of thousands of Israelis can defeat the multinational coalition forces in the Middle East, relying on the Jews to know that the Islamists who cry “Jihad” are afraid of death, bullying and fear of toughness. After the two Middle East wars, Egypt immediately took the initiative to make peace with Israel. One Israeli bullet can shake the entire Islamic Middle East. This had save the United States a lot of trouble.

Discussion Topic 1: Do you think Hamas or other Muslim-backed terrorists will launch or expand attacks against Israel?

II. Lao Yan’s Point of View – Jews control the domestic and foreign policy of the United States:

Jews hold key positions in the media, Wall Street finance, Hollywood, and congressional lobbying groups in the United States. In other words, whether it is domestic or foreign policy, it is basically controlled by the Jews.

U.S. policy decisions are now in Jewish hands, or at least most policy decisions. Jews in the United States are only about 2% of the population. But the media, including television stations, newspapers, and Hollywood; finance, including Wall Street; and presidential advisors, including economics, education, and national defense, are all controlled by Jews. To offend Israel is to offend the Jews who control the core of American finance, media, and politics.

Taking the Middle East as an example, since the U.S. has not historically ostracized Jews, this creates a contradiction with Europe in its view of Jews. The U.S. has stood firmly on the side of the Jews, especially since the founding of Israel, which the U.S. cares for as if it were one of its own states. The Europeans, on the other hand, could only be forced to change their attitude toward Israel if they compromised with the United States.

Discussion Topic 2: Because of the U.S.’s close and supportive relationship with Israel, do you think the U.S. will become deeply involved in the religious melee in the Middle East?


III.      Lao Yan’s Point of View – Chinese Communists Support Iran = Totally Offended Jews

During World War II, when China was being bullied by other countries, the Chinese dared to accept 50,000 Jewish refugees, which gave the Jews hope for the future. If there is another anti-Semitic incident, there is still one last barrier in China that will allow them to flourish. This was the background of the Jewish think tank, the Rand Corporation, which, with the operation of the Jews, advised Nixon to establish diplomatic relations with the Chinese Communist Party. Since then, Henry Kissinger, a Jew, has been the behind-the-scenes boss of U.S. diplomacy with the CCP. China’s peaceful rise is inseparable from the behind-the-scenes operations of American Jews. This is why Pompeo specifically mentioned that “the Chinese Communist Party is the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people are the Chinese people” during the decoupling between China and the United States. In fact, the Jews will not have problems with the Chinese, but only with the CCP in power. The Jews also gave credit for the entire decoupling plan to Yu Maochun, a Chinese. In fact, the real conspirators are American Jewish think tanks, a group.

The CCP has a strategic alliance with Iran. The CCP may have been deceived by Russia president Vladimir Putin, because Russia is the one who would benefit most from a China-US war. Russia deceived the CCP that in the event of an outbreak of fighting between China and the U.S., Russia would try to cut off the oil pipelines to the CCP, leaving China with the only choice of cooperating with Iran to maintain the land route for transporting oil if the U.S., along with India, Singapore and other countries, closed the Straits of Malacca to cut off China’s oil transportation by sea.

On the Middle East issue, China has chosen to side with Iran instead of being neutral. This is tantamount to fighting the Jews to the death, which offends not only Israel but also the United States.  Because Iran openly says that Israel must be “wiped off the map,” making Iran an open enemy of Israel.

In recent decades, Israel has opened up to China in all respects, and the capital of the CCP has entered Israel as if it were uninhabited. However, it still cannot prevent the CCP and Iran from flirting with each other.

The relationship between the United States and the CCP has reached this point of decoupling. It is the inevitable result caused by the CCP’s insistence on flirting with Iran and offending the Jews, who are the benefactors of China’s rise. Whenever the president of the United States wanted to take action against the CCP, trouble immediately erupted in the Middle East. This was no coincidence. Once history has taken this step, it may be too difficult to go back. The CCP has no real think tank. They are all politicians who do whatever they can to curry favor with their superiors in order to gain personal fame and fortune. They simply do not agree that politics is also science. In their eyes, science has no independent dignity if it serves politics. What they cling to is: “Pleasing superiors is the greatest politics, and all science must serve politics.


Discussion Topic 3: Because of China’s overt and covert support for Iran and Hamas, do you think the United States will increase economic and military sanctions against China?

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