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路易吉·尼古拉斯·曼吉奥内 (Luigi Nicholas Mangione) 于2024年12月4日枪杀United Healthcare公司首席执行官布莱恩·汤普森 (Brian Thompson) ,震惊全美国。Luigi于 2024 年 12 月 9 日在宾夕法尼亚州阿尔图纳被捕并被提审。在宾夕法尼亚州放弃引渡后,他于 12 月 19 日在纽约市的一家联邦法院出庭。自被捕以来,Luigi在网上获得了支持,有些人称赞他是民间英雄。民意调查发现,大多数美国成年受访者对Luigi持负面看法,年轻受访者和自由主义者更有可能支持他。Luigi获得的支持与人们对健康保险行业的负面看法和有害的索赔拒绝做法有关。此案引发了越来越多的健康保险改革呼声。(以上内容来自Wikipedia)
老阎之前对美国医疗保险和医疗费用过高的根本原因以及解决方案做过深入的论述。本文是老阎观点的总结、以及围绕主题时事延伸话题的探讨。双引号“ ”里的内容为老阎原话。
I. 总结:导致美国医疗保险和医疗费用过高的原因
II. 如何从根本上解决:
III. 延伸讨论:中美文化异同导致的不同暴力行为及大众反应
中美不同的文化能够解释两国不同的暴力行为的发生及大众反应:中国的奴性文化极为强大,培养出的都是怂人,其特征就是“对当权者摇尾乞怜甘当奴才的主”, 受气受欺压后不是找始作俑者算账,而是” 拿更弱的发泄“。而”美国人奉行的个人主义强者文化“。美国的媒体宣传的都是孤胆英雄,也与大众认可并追捧Luigi的心理相呼应。Luigi的杀富行为在网上获得了支持,有些人称赞他是民间英雄,当代蝙蝠侠。盖因“西方人骨子里崇拜英雄、勇者、硬汉。西方人对强者有着天然的佩服。”
“圣战者恐怖分子们选择法国等对他们绥靖政策的国家搞恐怖袭击,而不敢对身边欺负他们的以色列、杀死萨达姆本拉登等无数头子们的美国搞恐怖袭击,尤其是对手无寸铁的平民进行杀戮,是典型的欺软怕硬特征。” “伊斯兰圣战者们兵败如山倒的局面。因为他们怕死的特征极端表现就是靠妇女儿童的人肉炸弹。”
近些年发生在美国和其他国家的杀戮平民的恐怖主义分子差不多都是ISIS的拥趸或其他宗教狂热分子以及种族极端分子。(比如:2025年新年ISIS拥趸奥尔良恐袭致15人死亡; 2015 年 12 月 2 日圣贝纳迪诺大规模枪击事件;2016 年 6 月 12 日佛罗里达州奥兰多同性恋夜总会 Pulse 发生大规模枪击事件;2019 年埃尔帕索沃尔玛枪击事件。更多恐怖主义信息请参见以下链接:
[Editor’s note: Luigi Nicholas Mangione is an American man who was identified as the person of interest and later a suspect in the killing of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare. Mangione was arrested and arraigned in Altoona, Pennsylvania, on December 9, 2024. After waiving extradition in Pennsylvania, he appeared in a federal court in New York City on December 19. On December 23, Mangione was arraigned in the New York Supreme Court and pleaded not guilty to his state charges. Mangione has been indicted on eleven state charges and faces four federal charges. Since his arrest, Mangione has received support online, with some celebrating him as a folk hero. Opinion polls found a majority of American adult respondents held a negative view toward Mangione, with younger respondents and liberals more likely to support him. The support Mangione has generated has been connected to negative views of the health insurance industry and harmful claim denial practices. The case has spurred growing calls for health insurance reform. (from Wikipedia:
Lao Yan has already disclosed the root causes of why health insurance and medical care are so expensive in the US and how to fix the problem. This article summarizes Lao Yan’s ideas and extends to related topics. The words inside double quotes “” are Lao Yan’s original words from various articles.
You are welcome to share your thoughts in the comments.
Editor: Dazhiruoyu33
I. In summary, the root causes of high medical insurance and expenses in the US are:
1. In the United States, over half of a patient’s lifetime medical costs are incurred in the six months before death.
Americans on average spend over half of their lifetime medical costs in the last six months. Skipping patients last six-month inpatient treatments will result in a large reduction in medical spending in the United States. This computation is predicated on the assumption that elderly or critically ill patients who have no chance of recovery are released from the hospital six months prior to their passing. In the past, none of the medical reforms proposed could lower costs by more than 20%. The only positive aspect of Obama’s medical reform was the expansion of insurance coverage. After Obamacare was implemented, US medical costs climbed. Why is it so difficult to execute medical reform? Because nobody believes that medical reform will result in a substantial drop in medical expenses. Medical reform can be put into place if medical expenses are reduced by half.
2. Doctor supply is monopolized by the Medical Association, which drives it below demand.
The “fundamental reason for the high medical costs is that the Medical Association lobbies members of Congress to pass the laws to freeze the number of medical school admissions, thus creating a shortage of doctor supply.”
In the US, the expense of medical care has long outpaced that of food. The Medical Association’s monopoly restricts medical school admittance, which contributes to the physician shortage.
II. How to solve it fundamentally:
1: Establish a new moral standard and enforce the patients pay for their own medical care for the six months before they die.
“A new moral value should be advocated that the scope of human rights should only apply to living people far from heaven. For those who are only six months away from heaven, it is better to let them spend the last good time with their loved ones at their homes instead of letting them suffer in the hospital treatment every day. New laws should be passed to allow children who care for dying parents to take a leave and stay at home without losing their job. Such a bill can pass with majority support. Those without children can rest at a nursing home. The patients will be supplied with medicine since it is much cheaper compared to hospitalization. Additionally, medical insurance only covers the young and healthy; old people with illnesses that can’t be cured have to pay for their own hospital stays or spend their last six months at home.
The government should subsidize self-employed and provide senior care pay aid to government and corporate employees who care for dying parents.
How do you know patients have six months? A doctor diagnoses. Patient’s estate should reimburse the last six months’ medical bills before inheritance.
2. Increase doctor supply by banning the medical school admission quota set by the medical association.
No medical reform will succeed unless the law is created to state, “the medical association cannot lobby members of Congress to set quotas on the medical school enrollment.” The shortage of doctors is the root cause of extreme high medical costs and insurance.”
III. Extended topic: Chinese and American violence and public reaction
China and the United States have different cultures, which explains their violent behavior and public reactions: Strong slave culture in China creates cowards who “begging for mercy from those in power and being willing to be slaves.” Instead of retribution, they “take the weaker to vent” after being bullied. “Americans value individualism and strength.” American media promotes lone heroes, echoing Luigi’s popularity. Some online labels Luigi a folk hero and modern Batman for killing the rich. “Westerners worship heroes, brave men, and tough guys deep down. Westerners naturally admire the strong.”
China’s slave system produces cowards, such as the endless stream of thugs who murder children in kindergartens and innocent pedestrians on the streets. Because they lack the courage to confront the instigators and powerful. They are like ISIS, who encourage their own women and children to die as human bombs. On the contrary, “True warriors never attack unarmed foreigners. Warriors protect their country’s women and children because they are the future. True warriors never advocate for the slaughter of their own wives and children.”
“The traditional Chinese culture is a slave culture.” “The Chinese’s powerful traditional culture (slave hierarchy + people die for money + worship cruel and vicious leaders) has long been suited to their slave DNA. In China, the strong bullies the weak. Men who beat their children and spouses at home are all willing to be slaves to the people in power.”
“Chinese with rebellious bones were exterminated after thousands of years of artificial selection through the Extermination of the Nine Clans of beheading the criminal and his relatives. Nowadays, most Chinese have slave DNA. This differs from other nations. Westerns wished to change Chinese slave culture through McDonald’s and Hollywood, but little happens.”
“Jihadist terrorists attacked France, which appeased them, but not Israel, which bullied them, or the US, which killed Saddam bin Laden and other Middle East countries’ leaders. Terrorists killed vulnerable people, bullying the weak and fearing the strong. Extreme fear of death led them to use women and children as human bombs.”
In recent years, most terrorists who killed civilians in the US and elsewhere were ISIS followers or other religious and ethnic radicals. For example, murders from: 1/1/2025 the New Orleans truck attack; San Bernardino mass shooting attack on 12/2/2015; mass shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida on 6/12/2016; 2019 El Paso Walmart shooting, etc. For more terrorism information, please see the links:
Terrorism in the United States – Wikipedia
List of terrorist incidents linked to the Islamic State – Wikipedia
Editor’s prediction: With the global economic crisis, surging unemployment rate, and regional conflicts, more terrorist attacks against civilians are expected. Most of the terrorists will be cowards with slave or religious worship genes.