纪念阎先生:三七 – 润涛女儿们的寄语

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别离后的伤痛,已经无法用语言表达。因此,我们借助父亲的遗稿,以图片与诗歌的方式, 表示我们的缅怀与追忆。

当我们清理父亲遗物时,我们发现了父亲为祖父去世而起草的悼诗。父亲优美而动情的诗句, 撕心裂肺, 催人泪下, 悲怆中将我们三代人的亲情, 牵联一起。

清平乐 别父

掩鼻流涕, 真暖还寒季。
问过东风情难寄, 父子神情谁递?
相隔何止大海, 更是彼此牵肠。

在悲痛忧伤之时, 我们希望继续庆祝父亲的一生,并实现他生前的夙愿。父亲一直与读者频频互动, 用风趣、睿智的语言, 与他们在精神层面上交流, 不仅增进相互理解, 而且共同传播真诚、友善、及美好的理念。当我们筹划弘扬父亲荣光的具体方案时, 首先衷心感恩所有读者和朋友们的深情厚爱和缅怀留言,我们正在筹划“润涛阎项目”基金会的具体计划,会建立在大家的建议基础上,希望得到大家各方面的大力支持!  恳切希望能继续有大家一起携手并肩,  陆续推出完善系列计划,逐步实现父亲的遗愿。我们正在筹划工作中,下周会推出一些实施的具体计划。

From Run Tao’s daughters

On the 3rd 7th day of our beloved dad’s passing, we wanted to share some special moments with his fellow readers and friends.

It is impossible to write down all that we are feeling, processing, and remembering during this time. So instead, we will rely on pictures, poems and songs to convey what is in our hearts.

When we were going through Dad’s documents, we found this poem he had written after his own father passed away. Dad’s beautiful words are hauntingly perfect and bind our three generations together.

Farewell, father

Tears running ceaselessly,
While the warmth gives way to winter coldness.
The wind from the east brings seasonal greetings,
but cannot carry all the sentimental feelings that bond two generations.
It takes pain to utter a farewell,
as the tears already ran down even before a single word was articulated.
Although we are separated by the ocean,
we are still bound together by never-ending connections.

As our family continues to grieve and celebrate Dad’s life, we are exploring how we can honor him and make his wishes come true. Dad always wanted to reach readers, to spread understanding, compassion, love and celebrate each other – with laughter, wit, and sage advice. As we develop the plans for his lasting legacy, we wanted to thank you all, his readers and friends, in sharing your memories and love for our beloved Dad, and for all the great suggestions in continuing to honor him.  We are grateful and are weaving some of the ideas in our plan to carry on our Dad’s legacy, with more detailed to come next week.  

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