润涛阎三十九定律总结及解释(一) Runtao Yan Thirty Nine Laws Summary & Interpretation: Chapter 1

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Runtao Yan Thirty Nine Laws Summary & Interpretation: Chapter 1

润涛阎三十九定律总结及解释(一) – 润涛阎第一定律:生命在于忽悠及延伸定律




注:三十九定律全集列示于文末。以下【】中的内容为编者基于老阎思想所做的阐释及延伸。双引号内“ ”内容均为老阎原话。

Editor’s Note: Runtao Yan’s Thirty-Nine Laws are the foundation of his philosophical system, which accurately describe the human nature and their behavioral logic, political system, social development, and the operation and trend of human civilization. These laws predict the future direction of human society.  

The article starts from the Runtao Yan’s First Law and systematically summarizes and interprets twenty-six laws out of Runtao Yan’s Thirty-Nine Laws. 

This is the first article in a series in which I will summarize, interpret, and expand Runtao Yan’s Thirty-Nine Laws to describe historical events and predict the future of civilization.   

Editor and Writer: Dazhiruoyu33 

Note: See Appendix for a detailed list of all Runtao Yan’s Thirty-Nine Laws.

The contents inside the【】 are the editor’s explanation and expansion based on Runtao Yan’s thoughts.】


润涛阎第一定律:生命在于忽悠。 1st Law: Life lives in swinging.  



“社会是一种生命现象,它必然需要左右忽悠。 比如钟摆,比如荡秋千,往左走多远,然后就得往右走多远。这就是生命现象,而生命在于忽悠。社会的忽悠总是不撞南墙不回头。”

因为:节能+进化乃地球生物生存法则。节能是进化的目的也是动力。“节省能量,是生物界的最基本原理。”社会运行与规则上的采用也同理,”取决于哪个理念更具操作性,也就是说在执行起来后更节省能量。 ” 


如同股市的涨跌,“股市之所以长久不衰,就因为它来回忽悠”;民主社会的“左派右派轮流上台以维持社会稳定”;媒体左右观点忽悠而平稳民心 “媒体有报导小概率事件,制造轰动效应的动机。 轰动效应不是问题。只要平衡就可获得民心。今天是这方面的小概率事件,明天是反方面的小概率事件。只要平衡,民心就会获得。这与事件大小无关。”



  • 圆的:“为何民主制度高于专制呢?简单地说,宇宙是圆的,地球是圆的,车轮子是圆的。是圆的运动起来阻力就小。应力均匀。” 社会和其组成元素的忽悠也是在圆周上移动。



  • 平衡:“任何系统都要平衡。 只有到了极端才产生物极必反现象。” 生命在于忽悠,通过忽悠达到平衡。“钟摆或秋千的忽悠,往左走多远,然后就得往右走多远”是一种平衡;钟摆的摆锤本身也需要一个内在的力量平衡。 如果不能通过忽悠来实现平衡,那么失衡后要不从一个极端直接滑倒另一个极端,要不社会打烂重建。就像地球的表面不均匀导致板块移动和地震一样,任何国家内贫富差距太大必然导致社会动荡,国家间贫富差距太大必然导致区域战争或世界大战。


  • 惯性:牛顿的惯性定律对于社会系统也成立:“ 一个腐败系统已经建立,一定会走到终点。牛顿的惯性定律使然。” 在走到终点前如何令一个社会系统改弦易辙的努力都是白费。另外,因为思考特别耗能,节省能量的内驱力导致个人思维和社会运行的惯性。社会惯性包括文化、传统、生活方式等;个人思维的惯性体现在江山易改本性难移上。什么叫传统?润涛阎给出的定义:前者传给后者、后者对其合理性不再追究的行为。在这个世界上你几乎找不到几个好的传统。那些所谓的“优良传统”基本上经不起推敲,只是没有几个人愿意花功夫推敲而已。


The universe is a phenomenon of life, and the first law of Runtao Yan, “Life lives in swinging,” is not only consistent with all the phenomena of life in the world, but also consistent with the universe itself. If the universe were to expand forever, the universe would disappear into the vast darkness. The life of the universe would be over. If the universe only contracts without expanding, the end will still be death. 

Society and its elements are phenomenon of life, so it must swing from side to side. Like a pendulum and swing, how far it goes to the left, then how far it has to go to the right. The Swinging Principle states that society always makes a U-turn after reaching the dead end. 

Root Cause: Energy Efficiency & Evolution are the survival laws of living things on Earth. Energy efficiency is the purpose and driving force of evolution. 

Energy efficiency is the fundamental principle of biology. The swinging of a pendulum is powered by an ongoing process of storage and transformation of energy.  According to The law of conservation of energy, a system always has the same amount of energy, unless it’s added from the outside. When a pendulum swings, kinetic and potential energy are transformed to implement the principle of energy efficiency. In that way, no outside energy is needed. 

The same principle applies to various social elements: they maintain life through swinging while achieving the purpose of energy conservation, since they do not need to add external energy.

The social elements live in swing. Examples include the stock market which goes up and down to maintain its life, and the social system that turns from left to right to maintain its stability, and the media that reports different opinions to stabilize public opinion.  The media is motivated to report events with low probability and to create sensational effects. Sensationalism is not a problem. As long as there is a balance, people’s support can be won. Today is a low-probability event, and tomorrow will be a low-probability event in the opposite direction. It has nothing to do with the size of the event.

Society is a living phenomenon, and it must inevitably swing from one side to the other. That is: 30 years east of the river, then 30 years west of the river. When 30 years is too long for the left, it is time for the right to come to power. At the heart of the democratic system established in the West is the institutional guarantee that left and right will alternate in power. No party should be in power for too long. It is not a question of whether the left is better or the right is better. Even if there is no democracy, as long as the left and the right swing back and forth in an autocratic society, society is stable. Because society is a phenomenon of life, and Runtao Yan’s first law shows that life lives in swinging. Runtao Yan’s First Law shows that both left and right are necessary for the existence of society, and both factions are the constituent elements of social swinging. Unfortunately, greed easily drives people to extremes, which leads to reversal once the extreme point is reached.

From Runtao Yan’s 1st Law, the following operating rules are inherited to maintain life phenomena and achieve social stability: Round; Balanced; Inertia.

  • Round: Why is democracy better than dictatorship? Simply put, the universe is round, the earth is round, and the wheel is round. Because it is round, there is less resistance to motion. Stress is uniform. Society and its components swing in a circular arc.

American democracy is circular: bosses are responsible to bosses above them, and bosses above them are responsible to bosses higher up. Until the president. The president is responsible to the people or he is voted out of office. This makes a circle when the head and tail are connected. A dictatorship is a line that doesn’t bend back. That’s the basic difference between democracy and dictatorship.

  • Balanced: All systems must operate in a balance of forces. It is only at the extremes that the opposite occurs. Life lives in swinging. Constant swing requires the balanced forces of the pendulum.  As the pendulum moves, it sweeps out a circular arc, moving back and forth on the arc at the same distance, creating a balanced spread. If equilibrium cannot be achieved by swinging, the imbalance will cause society to slide from one extreme to the other, or society will collapse and be rebuilt. Just as the uneven surface of the Earth leads to plate movements and earthquakes, the huge wealth gap between rich and poor people within a country will inevitably lead to social unrest, and the gap between rich and poor countries will inevitably lead to regional wars or world wars.
  • Inertia: Newton’s law of inertia applies to the functioning of society. For example, once a corrupt system is established, it will surely come to an end. Before it comes to an end, no force can turn it around. In addition, because thinking is particularly energy intensive, the internal drive to conserve energy leads to inertia in individual thinking and social functioning. Social inertia includes culture, tradition, lifestyle, etc.; the inertia of individual thinking is reflected in the difficulty of changing one’s nature or behavior. What is tradition? The definition given by Runtao Yan: the behavior that the former generation passes on to the latter, and the latter no longer pursues its rationality. Ironically, there are not many good traditions in the world. These so-called “good traditions” don’t stand up to scrutiny, it’s just that not many people are willing to make the effort to scrutinize them.】


 I. 节能原理->地球人是少数骗子带领多数傻子组成的群体, 从古至今,无一例外。 The application of the principle of energy efficiency leads to the fact that the people of the earth are a group of a few liars leading the majority of fools, from the beginning of time to the present, without exception.

润涛阎第零定律:在千万年的进化过程中,少数骗子带领多数傻子组成的群体, 战斗力最强。这是自然选择的结果。Law of zero: In millions of years of evolution, a group of fools led by a few liars has the strongest fighting ability. This is the result of natural selection.




Editor’s Note: The reason is that fools worship and obey the liar, and letting a liar do his thinking for him is also a way of saving energy, since thinking is an energy-intensive activity.

Almost all people on earth have the God gene (VMAT2), or the worship gene, which results in people worshiping liars once they have been deceived by them. These societies, whether democratic or dictatorial, in which a majority of fools follow a few liars, are only superficial differences and will not change in essence because human beings are composed of a small number of liars leading a majority of fools. Public opinion is always deceived by great deceivers, which is ironclad evidence in human history. Because once the worship gene is expressed, people’s intelligence drops dramatically.

Only by genetically modifying or eliminating the worship gene and re-evolving human beings can the essential characteristics be changed. Because the phenotype is basically controlled by the genotype. This is biological science. The herd effect of biological humans with worship genes cannot be changed. Changing biological traits requires changing genes. Of course, the system of separation of powers can check and balance the interests of all parties, and freedom of speech can expose big liars to some extent, although it has no effect on die-hard fans. 】


II. 节能原理: 生命在于忽悠(在圆径上忽悠) Life lives in swinging. And swing in a circle arc.

 第一定律:生命在于忽悠。 1st Law: Life lives in swinging.  

第二定律:政权的兴亡有它自身规律,怎么得到的政权,就怎么失去。 第二定律的前提是:没有外敌入侵。外敌入侵或者外星撞地球不在此定律之内。 2nd Law: The rise and fall of the regimes has its own law: how they are gained is how they are lost. The premise of the second law is: Foreign invasion or extraterrestrial collision are not covered by the law.


 III. 节能原理: 生命在于忽悠之延伸定律 Application of the Survival Law of Energy Efficiency: The Extension of First Law “Life Lives In Swinging”

第十二定律:政治的核心法则不是欺诈,不是争斗,也不是妥协,而是异化。12th Law: The central law of politics is not deception, strife, or compromise. It is alienation. 

【编者释:动机与结果相反 , 符合忽悠定律。Editor’s Note: The result is the opposite of the motivation, which applies to the First Law “Life Lives In Swinging.】


第十三定律:凡是大兴土木想建功立业的朝代都是短命的。13th Law: all dynasties that want to make great achievements are short-lived. 

【编者释:过犹不及。 Editor’s Note: too far is as bad as not enough.】


 第十四定律:伟人由两部分人组成:也就是正态分布钟形曲线两边极端部位的人。但有一个先决条件:做善人好人要做到家;当流氓恶棍要当到底。否则,前功尽弃。正因为达到这个条件的人太少,以至于中国历史上留下了为数很少不令后人唏嘘遗憾的伟人。14th Law: Great people comprise two parts of the population: those on either side of the bell curve of normal distribution. But there is a prerequisite: one must either be a good person or a villain until the end of life and never change. Otherwise, all previous efforts are wasted. Because there are so few people who have fulfilled this condition, Chinese history has left few great people who do not make future generations sigh with regret. 


第十八定律:如果继续走专制制度的路,那你就绝不能把暴民的动乱“消灭在萌芽状态”!因为这必然导致滥用武力,而且维稳的规模越来越广泛,最后必然走到草木皆兵的地步。18th Law: To continue on the path of autocracy, one must not “nip mob unrest in the bud”! This will inevitably lead to the abuse of force and the maintenance of stability on an ever-increasing scale, and in the end, will inevitably go to the point of paranoia. 

【编者释:生命在于忽悠第一定律与 第九定律“任何一个社会惯性系一旦形成,它就必然走到终点。”共同决定的。Editor’s Note: It was determined by Rutao Yan’s 1st Law “Life Lives in Swinging” and 9th Law “Once a social inertia system is formed, it is bound to come to an end.   “】


第二十五定律:任何理论成为本本主义的时间都不能超过一两百年,如果一个经典理论成了民族的本本,那一定要在200年内烧掉。25th Law: No theory can be the governing strategy of a country or an ethnic group for more than two hundred years. The theory must be burned within 200 years. 

【编者释:参见第九定律“任何一个社会惯性系一旦形成,它就必然走到终点。”理论成为本本主义的时间过长,必然走向极端,成为社会进步的障碍,因为生命停止了忽悠。Editor’s Note: Refer to Runtao Yan’s 9th Law “Once a social inertia system is formed, it is bound to come to an end.   ” Once a theory dominates, swinging stops, which prevents the social development.】


 第二十七定律:任何人或事物,当一个极端不能解释某现象时,另一个相反的极端便是真理。27th Law: Anything or anyone, if an extreme cannot be explained, the opposite is true. 


 第二十九定律:聪明是聪明人把高智商全部用于为个人谋取最大利益;智慧是智者把部分智商用于约束自己的贪婪。29th Law: To be clever is to use all of one’s high intelligence to maximize one’s interest; to be wise is to use part of one’s intelligence to restrain one’s greed. 

【编者释:聪明人把高智商全部用于为个人谋取最大利益,必然走向极端,走向极端必然导致机关算尽,会向反方向忽悠回去。因为生命在于忽悠。Editor’s Note: Once a smart person uses all his high intelligence to maximize his interest, he will go to extremes, resulting in losing everything. On the other hand, a wise person won’t go to extremes because he knows the results of going to extremes. According to Runtao Yan’s 1st Law, once you reach the point of extremity, it will bounce to another extreme direction.】


 第三十二定律:世界上的每一个人,从最高领导人到平民百姓,不论财富多寡、权力大小有无,其一生只不过都是在渡“误解之船”而已。在社会上如此,发生了任何事总是把政敌往坏处想。在家庭中亦如此,男女在谈恋爱时误解对方无条件地深爱着自己;结婚后慢慢变成误解对方在每件事上都在对自己不好。 32nd Law: Everyone in the world, from the supreme leader to ordinary people, no matter how rich or powerful they are, is full of misunderstandings. This is the case in society. No matter what happens, political opponents are always considered evil. It is the same in the family. When a man and a woman fall in love, they misunderstand that the other party loves them unconditionally. In contrast, after marriage, they gradually misunderstand that the spouse mistreats them for everything. 

【编者释:生命在于忽悠定律在人思想上的反应:极端非中间状态思考。Human’s thinking swing from one extreme to the other extreme.】


IV. 节能和进化原理: 圆的社会制度能长久;不圆满的人生符合天理,能推动进化: Application of the Survival Law of Energy Efficiency and Evolution: The  social system with the spherical structure can last a long time. Nobody can own everything is in line with natural law.


第十七定律:中国社会是由白道、黑道、邪道这三道构成的一个球体结构。17th Law: Chinese society is a spherical structure composed of three groups: the government, the underworld, and the cult. Each groups switch positons and status at different time of the autocratic system.  


这与第二定律“政权的兴亡有它自身规律,怎么得到的政权,就怎么失去。 第二定律的前提是:没有外敌入侵。外敌入侵或者外星撞地球不在此定律之内。”相辅相成,这是球状结构内白道、黑道、邪道在一个政权起始到终极的不同阶段是互相转化决定的。


Editor’s Note: Since the time of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Chinese society in all generations has been composed of three groups: the government, the underworld, and the cult. It is a system that has been gradually developed and perfected, a spherical structure with Confucian slave culture as its foundation and autocracy as its form of rule, which has remained solid after more than 2,000 years of tumbling, in which all regime changes are nothing more than reincarnations of dynasties. The reason is that the spherical structure is energy efficient and stable. 

At different stages of the dynasties, the government, the underworld, and the cult groups exchanged positions and statuses with each other. When a dynasty declined, the cult used different banners to deceive the people to overthrow the government that had deceived and oppressed the people with the underworld, so that the cult could take the power to start a new autocratic dynasty as the governor. The process is in accordance with the 2nd Law: “The rise and fall of regimes has its own law: how they are gained is how they are lost. The premise of the second law is: Foreign invasion or extraterrestrial collision is not covered by the law”.

The only way out of the spherical structure autocracy is to rely on Run Taoyan’s 28th law by using “democratic demands” to solve “problems” instead of “democratic movements” to promote the cult leader to take power to start a new autocratic system. 】


第二十二定律:不同的两个或以上群体(包括血统上不同的民族甚至不同的语言,或者血统上相同但不同的信仰)组成的国家,如果这个国家有潜力实现或者已经当上霸主(至少是一方霸主),那么,不同群体便可以统一在这个国家内;如果这个国家没有潜力实现或者保持霸主地位,就应该允许各个族群独立出去成立不同的国家以避免动乱。Twenty-second Law: For the country composed of two or more different groups, including different ethnic groups or even different languages, or the same ethnic but different beliefs, if this country has the potential to become a world-wide or regional hegemon, different groups can be united in this country; if this country has no potential to become a hegemony, each ethnic group should be allowed to form a different country to avoid turmoil. 

 【编者释:国家有潜力实现或者已经当上霸主形成的向心力,可以吸引两个或以上群体形成稳定的球状结构。若国家无潜力当上霸主,无向心力导致的两个或以上群体失衡的结果就是国家动乱。Editor’s Note: The centripetal force formed by a country that has the potential to achieve or has become a hegemon can attract two or more groups to form a stable spherical structure. If a country has no potential, the result of an imbalance between two or more groups due to centripetal disorientation is national upheaval .】


第十六定律:一个有勇有谋的男人,或玩政治、或玩钱、或玩女人无可厚非,但你不能既玩政治又玩钱又玩女人。 16th Law: A man with courage and ingenuity can play politics, or he can play money, or he can play women, but he can’t play politics, money, and women at the same time.  

【编者释:人不可能圆满:上帝不会把所有的好处都给一个人,因为不合天理。有缺陷才能产生进化的欲望。节能+进化乃地球生物生存法则。 Editor explanation:  No one is perfect because God does not give all the benefits to one person, which is unnatural. Defects drive the desire to evolve, since energy efficiency and evolution are the survival laws of the creatures of the earth. 】


V. 节能原理:  平衡 Application of the Survival Law of Energy Efficiency: Balance.


第二十一定律:作为一个政治家,有自己的打手是可以的,但绝不能只有一个打手。要么没有,要有就至少同时有两个,而且俩打手是平级的关系。作为一个政治家,绝不能与自己的打手分享女人,与你爱她不爱她无关。21st Law: As a politician, it is okay to have your enforcers, but never just one enforcer. Either none, or at least two at the same time, and the two enforcers are of the same level. As a politician, he must not share a woman with his enforcer, which has nothing to do with whether he loves her or not. 


VI. 节能原理:  平衡法则之延伸 Application of the Survival Law of Energy Efficiency: The Extension of Balance.


第二十定律:在解决人口与食物不平衡的矛盾时,专制的中国统治者”被动采用的一山不容二虎不可控模式”在智慧上远比不上伊斯兰教基督教国家”主动采用的双赢可控模式”。20th Law: In solving the contradiction between population and food imbalance, the active and controllable model of Islamic and Christian countries is wiser than the passive and uncontrollable model of Chinese autocratic dynasties. The authoritarian Chinese rulers passively adopted the uncontrollable model, which eliminated the population through wars that led to the collapse of dynasties after the food shortage. The cost is the loss of more than half of the total population, including many children and women. While Islamic and Christian countries adopted the actively controlled model to manipulate religious groups into wars to eliminate the population before the food shortage. The model of Islamic and Christian countries is wiser than the Chinese model. 

【编者释: “宗教,是顶层设计者们利用、玩弄底层信徒的智慧体现,目的都是为了保护顶层设计者既得利益集团的利益,包括政权稳定、垄断金钱与女人资源。因为为了消灭人口的战争在没有避孕措施的年代是无法避免的。专制制度下没有宗教的中国,每次改朝换代的战争都比宗教国家的战争惨烈得多,有时人口要减少一半以上,包括妇女儿童都无法幸免。而宗教战争其规模是可控的”。Editor’s note: Religion is the manifestation of the wisdom of the top political designers to use and play the bottom believers, all to protect the interests of the interest group, including regime stability and resource monopoly of money and women. Because in the age of no contraceptive measures, wars to eliminate the population are inevitable. In China, where there was no religion under the dictatorship, every war to change dynasties was much crueler than the wars in religious countries, sometimes reducing the population by more than half, including women and children. Religious wars, on the other hand, were of manageable proportions.  】


第二十六定律:伊斯兰世界王室的后代世世代代是王室,穷人的孩子世世代代是穷人,因为地球资源就那么多,他的后代当王室,你的后代就当不上了。26th Law: The descendants of the royal family in the Islamic world will be royal for generations, while the children of the poor will be poor for generations. Because the resources on earth are limited, if the descendants of the poor become royalty, the descendants of the former royalty will not be. 


第三十定律:全球化是一个系统工程,也就是一个整体,你不能把手和身子放在一个国家,把脚放在另一个国家。作为地球村,在生产力各个要素移动的时候,需要一个整体的移动。目前的全球化限制因子就是劳动力的全球化(各国开放边境,人人居住自由就业自由)没跟上。30th Law: Globalization is a systemic project. You can’t put your hands and body in one country and your feet in another. As a global village, it requires all other elements to move freely if some components of productivity move. The current limiting factor of globalization is that the globalization of labor (open borders of countries, freedom of residence and employment for all) has not kept pace. 


第三十三定律:当一个社会人人都觉得自己冤的时候,便是动乱。出自《六四悲剧之谜—一个字:冤》33rd Law: When everyone in a society feels that they are wronged, turmoil happens. 

【编者释: 当一个社会只有一个观点时,必然导致舆论失衡。结果就是平衡被打破导致的动乱。Editor’s note: If a society has only one point of view, it will inevitably lead to an imbalance in public opinion. The result is unrest caused by the imbalance.】


VII. 节能原理: 惯性定律 ->人的思维惯性和社会惯性 Application of the Survival Law of Energy Efficiency: The Law of Inertia.


第六定律:天天发脾气的人,要是突然不发脾气了,大家都感恩;从不发脾气的人,要是发了脾气,人们是绝不会饶恕他的。6th Law: If a person who loses his temper every day suddenly stops, everyone is grateful; if a person who never loses his temper loses his temper, people will never forgive him. 


第九定律:任何一个社会惯性系一旦形成,它就必然走到终点。9th Law: Once a social inertia system is formed, it is bound to come to an end. 


第十一定律:自制力低下的人其表现特征只有一条:怎么舒服就怎么来。这里的服当然是指眼前。11th Law: People with low self-control have only one characteristic: they do what makes them feel good. That means instant gratification. 



24th Law: Political liars grow up step by step. In the process, the liar himself must experience many deceptions. This leads to a vicious circle. So when you see a big political liar succeeding repeatedly in deceiving people, using deception techniques that no ordinary person can imagine, it means that he must have had extraordinary experiences of being deceived that no normal person can imagine. 



34th Law: When a liar who succeeds by deception fails, he must think that his opponent has won by deceit, because he judges others based on his own experience. 


第三十六定律:当一个生物系统(我们地球就是一个“地球生物系统”以区别于“外星生物系统”)突然改变了原有的生存选择规则,该生物系统的灾难便临头了。 出自文章《如何住在湖边而没有蚊子与蟑螂?》_2015-05-15

36th Law: When a biological system (our Earth is an “Earth biological system” to distinguish it from an “alien biological system”) suddenly changes the original survival selection rules, the biological system faces extinction. 


第三十八定律:人类社会给人类本身的自由度,往往也给其它物种包括病毒同样级别的自由度。越是自由度高的文明国家,新冠病毒越难控制住。出自文章《美国大选(3)》_10.2.2022. 38th Law: The same level of freedom that human society gives to humans themselves is often given to other species, including viruses, at the same level. The more freedom a civilization has, the harder it is to keep the Covid virus under control.


附录: 润涛阎三十九定律全集

 Appendix: Runtao Yan’s Thirty-Nine Laws


【编者释:本文在原有的广为流传的润涛阎三十四定律基础上,根据定律出现在的阎文的发布时间,增补了第零定律和三十五到三十八定律。Editor’s Note: Besides the widely circulated Runtao Yan’s thirty-four laws, the article adds Runtao Yan’s zeroth law and the thirty-fifth to thirty-eighth laws according to the post time of the Yan articles in which the laws appeared.】


润涛阎第零定律:在千万年的进化过程中,少数骗子带领多数傻子组成的群体, 战斗力最强。这是自然选择的结果。

Law of zero: In millions of years of evolution, a group of fools led by a few liars has the strongest fighting ability. This is the result of natural selection.



1st First law: Life lives in swinging.



2nd Second law: The rise and fall of the regimes has its own law: how they are gained is how they are lost. The premise of the second law is: Foreign invasion or extraterrestrial collision are not covered by the law.



3rd Third law: Children are not as innocent as adults think, and adults are not as mature as children think.



4th Fourth law: Rational love is to love oneself. Emotional love is to love the other.



 5th Fifth law: If the powerful disregard one another as fellow human beings, then when the weak avenge the powerful, they are not subject to the maxim “The murderer pays with his life.” 



6th Sixth law: If a person who loses his temper every day suddenly stops, everyone is grateful; if a person who never loses his temper loses his temper, people will never forgive him.



7th Seventh law: In this world, love can penetrate through without a hole. The love wrecker interferes successfully by leaning into a seamless place, and not prying open the gaps between loving couples.



8th Eighth law: To get the Chinese to respect you, you have to beat the Chinese into submission. Once you beat the Chinese into submission, they won’t call you a paper tiger.



9th Ninth law: Once a social inertia system is formed, it is bound to come to an end.



10th Tenth law: A country’s ability to innovate is consistent with its lawyer-to-population ratio.

【编者释:西方人为了让每个人都能发挥自己的创新能力,就不得不从尊重孩子的个体尊严开始,而这个系统在个体创新能力方面得到最大限度发挥,就必然在法律的边缘需要给出很大的灰色地带,才能让每个人都有自由发挥的空间。但这个灰色地带同时也必然导致个体的自私、贪婪本性的最大释放。所以,你就不难理解美国是创新能力最强的国家,也是个性自由度最大的国家,也是律师最多的国家。美国的创新能力可以匹敌全球其它二百多个国家,美国的律师总数也占全球律师总数的一半。 Editor’s Note: To allow everyone to develop their creative abilities, Westerners start by respecting the individual dignity of children. To maximize individual creativity, it inevitably requires a large gray area at the edge of the law to allow everyone the freedom to play. Meanwhile, the gray area also leads to the maximum release of individual selfishness and greed. Therefore, it is easy to understand that the United States is the most innovative country, the country with the greatest freedom of personality, and the country with the most lawyers.  The innovation capacity of the United States can compete with more than 200 other countries in the world, and the total number of lawyers in the United States accounts for half of the total number of lawyers in the world.

According to the American Bar Association there are currently 1,116,967 lawyers practicing in the United States. That is approximately one for every 300 people, or approximately 0.36% of the total population.】



11th Eleventh Law: People with low self-control have only one characteristic: they do what makes them feel good. That means instant gratification.



12th Twelfth law: The central law of politics is not deception, strife, or compromise. It is alienation.



13th Thirteenth law: all dynasties that want to make great achievements are short-lived.



14th Fourteenth law: Great people comprise two parts of the population: those on either side of the bell curve of normal distribution. But there is a prerequisite: one must either be a good person or a villain until the end of life and never change. Otherwise, all previous efforts are wasted. Because there are so few people who have fulfilled this condition, Chinese history has left few great people who do not make future generations sigh with regret.



15th Fifteenth law: The truth is often not in the hands of a few but in the hands of a single person. Most people do not hold the truth, but most people are not stupid when fighting for their immediate personal interests.  

【编者释:在千万年的进化过程中,少数骗子带领多数傻子组成的群体, 战斗力最强。民意永远被大忽悠欺骗,是人类历史的铁证。去读润涛阎“少数骗子带领多数傻子组成的群体战斗力最强”的定律。因为崇拜基因一表达,智商为零。


Editor’s Note: In millions of years of evolution, a group of fools led by a few liars has the most vital fighting ability. That big liars always deceive public opinion is an ironclad proof of human history. Once the worship gene is expressed, an individual’s IQ drops dramatically.

According to the wise men, whether it is Confucius in the East or the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, public opinion is like a flock of sheep with no positive social significance. It is the big liar who leads them, because after they worship the big liar, their brains have no independent thinking ability and their IQ drops dramatically. They cannot distinguish between truth and falsehood, right and wrong. Most people can never understand the truth. In the eyes of the sages, public opinion is manipulated by the minority. This was well understood by the sages more than two thousand years ago. Confucius said, “You can only make people do something, but not let them know why. Confucius also said, “It is the wise men of the upper class and the stupid men of the lower class who cannot be changed. Socrates’ revelation of public opinion eventually led to his execution by democratic vote, the star of human wisdom. The facts and realities of human history show that until the masses of people are genetically modified or genetically edited, their public opinion is a reaction against wisdom.】


第十六定律:一个有勇有谋的男人,或玩政治、或玩钱、或玩女人无可厚非,但你不能既玩政治又玩钱又玩女人。16th Sixteenth law: A man with courage and ingenuity can play politics, or he can play money, or he can play women, but he can’t play politics, money, and women at the same time.

【编者释:人不可能圆满:上帝不会把所有的好处都给一个人,因为不合天理。有缺陷才能产生进化的欲望。节能+进化乃地球生物生存法则。 Editor explanation:  No one is perfect because God does not give all the benefits to one person, which is unnatural. Defects can create the desire to evolve. Energy Efficiency and evolution are the survival laws of the creatures of the earth. 】



17th Seventeenth law: Chinese society is a spherical structure composed of three groups: the government, the underworld, and the cult. Each groups switch positions and status at different time of the autocratic system.



18th Eighteenth Law: To continue on the path of autocracy, one must not “nip mob unrest in the bud”! This will inevitably lead to the abuse of force and the maintenance of stability on an ever-increasing scale, and in the end, will inevitably go to the point of paranoia.



19th Nineteenth 1law: The more space in the house, the weaker the couple’s relationship and the higher the divorce rate in a family within ten years of marriage.



20th Twentieth law: In solving the contradiction between population and food imbalance, the authoritarian Chinese rulers passively adopted the uncontrollable model, which eliminated the population through wars that led to the collapse of dynasties after the food shortage. The cost is the loss of more than half of the total population, including many children and women. While Islamic and Christian countries adopted the actively controlled model to manipulate religious groups into wars to eliminate the population before the food shortage. The model of Islamic and Christian countries is wiser than the Chinese model.


Religion is the manifestation of the wisdom of the top political designers to use and play the bottom believers, all to protect the interests of the interest group, including regime stability and resource monopoly of money and women. Because in the age of no contraceptive measures, wars to eliminate the population are inevitable. In China, where there was no religion under the dictatorship, every war to change dynasties was much crueler than the wars in religious countries, sometimes reducing the population by more than half, including women and children. Religious wars, on the other hand, were of manageable proportions.



21st Twenty-first Law: As a politician, it is okay to have your enforcers, but never just one enforcer. Either none, or at least two at the same time, and the two enforcers are of the same level. As a politician, he must not share a woman with his enforcer, which has nothing to do with whether he loves her or not.



22nd Twenty-second law: For the country composed of two or more different groups, including different ethnic groups or even different languages, or the same ethnic but different beliefs, if this country has the potential to become a world-wide or regional hegemon, different groups can be united in this country; if this country has no potential to become a hegemony, each ethnic group should be allowed to form a different country to avoid turmoil.


第二十三定律: 别以为某种文化是随机发生在某国家或民族的,该文化之所以经久不衰,它一定是有利于统治者或统治集团的。

23rd Twenty-third Law: Do not assume that a particular culture in a country or nation arises accidentally; The culture persists because it benefits the ruler or ruling group.


第二十四定律:政治骗子也是一步步从小骗到大骗走过来的。在这个过程中,骗子本人一定也经历过被骗。这就导致了一个恶性循环。所以,当你看到一个巨大的政治骗子骗人总是成功,有非凡人所能想得到的骗术,那表明他一定有过常人想象不到的被骗经历。[rule of inertia]

24th Twenty Fourth law: Political liars grow up step by step. In the process, the liar himself must experience many deceptions. This leads to a vicious circle. So when you see a big political liar succeeding repeatedly in deceiving people, using deception techniques that no ordinary person can imagine, it means that he must have had extraordinary experiences of being deceived that no normal person can imagine.



25th Twenty-fifth law: No theory can be the governing strategy of a country or an ethnic group for more than two hundred years. The theory must be burned within 200 years.



26th Twenty-sixth law: The descendants of the royal family in the Islamic world will be royal for generations, while the children of the poor will be poor for generations. Because the resources on earth are limited, if the descendants of the poor become royalty, the descendants of the former royalty will not be.



27th Twenty-seventh law: Anything or anyone, if an extreme cannot be explained, the opposite is true.


According to Runtao Yan’s twenty-seventh law, the flirting between Lewinsky and Clinton can be seen by everyone inside and outside the White House, except Hillary. This is a most unfeminine phenomenon. If nothing can be a fact, then the other extreme is the truth: this farce (oral sex is not a sexual relationship) is not only known to Hillary, but she wrote and directed it. Lewinsky and Clinton are only actors and actresses.】



28th Twenty-eighth Law: Democracies do not allow democratic leaders to emerge from the Democratic Appeal Movement. The organizers of the Democratic Appeal Movement must be hidden from the eyes of the public and the government. If the leader comes forward voluntarily, he must be killed to prevent him from being elected to power. Otherwise, the country will never be at peace.



29th Twenty-ninth Law: To be clever is to use all of one’s high intelligence to maximize one’s interest; to be wise is to use part of one’s intelligence to restrain one’s greed.



30th Thirties law: Globalization is a systemic project. You can’t put your hands and body in one country and your feet in another. As a global village, it requires all other elements to move freely if some components of productivity move. The current limiting factor of globalization is that the globalization of labor (open borders of countries, freedom of residence and employment for all) has not kept pace.



31st Thirty-first law: Men have the highest IQ when they are in love because men see women as prey.



32nd Thirty-second law: Everyone in the world, from the supreme leader to ordinary people, no matter how rich or powerful they are, is full of misunderstandings. This is the case in society. No matter what happens, political opponents are always considered evil. It is the same in the family. When a man and a woman fall in love, they misunderstand that the other party loves them unconditionally. In contrast, after marriage, they gradually misunderstand that the spouse mistreats them for everything.



33rd Thirty-third Law: When everyone in a society feels that they are wronged, turmoil happens. From “The Mystery of the June Fourth Tragedy – One Word: Injustice”_2020-06-05



34th Thirty-fourth law: When a liar who succeeds by deception fails, he must think that his opponent has won by deceit, because he judges others based on his own experience.

From the Article “A few new things of the vote counting during the general election”_2020-11-14



35th Thirty-fifth law: For the KongZi (men who use the loopholes) to be able to play the LiuZi (men of the world) is a great sense of accomplishment. And for the LiuZi, status, power, and money are the greatest sense of accomplishment. KongZi being higher than LiuZi is not only that KongZi can play LiuZi, more importantly, LiuZi admits that “man proposes, God disposes”, but KongZi creates his own opportunities and controls his own destiny if God does not reward him. KongZi feels like a God if he can succeed. For the rest of his life, KongZi will be overwhelmed and ecstatic about the opportunities he has created for himself by taking the risk. For the politician, life is a game of thrill. The bigger KongZi’s scam, the less suspicious LiuZi is, because the consequences are too severe, LiuZi assumes that no one will do it.


第三十六定律:当一个生物系统(我们地球就是一个“地球生物系统”以区别于“外星生物系统”)突然改变了原有的生存选择规则,该生物系统的灾难便临头了。 出自文章《如何住在湖边而没有蚊子与蟑螂?》_2015-05-15

36th Thirty-Sixth law: When a biological system (our Earth is an “Earth biological system” to distinguish it from an “alien biological system”) suddenly changes the original survival selection rules, the biological system faces extinction.

From the Article “How to live by a lake without mosquitoes and cockroaches? _2015-05-15



37th Thirty-seventh law: If future robots can create robots with sexual pleasure when they make robots themselves, robots will be the masters of the future earth, and biological humans can only be kept as pets of robots; if biological humans can prevent robots from developing sexual pleasure, no matter how high the robot’s IQ is, even if it is 10,000 times higher than that of humans, the robot still cannot develop the ambition to dominate the world. Humans are still the masters of the earth, and robots can only be used by biological humans.

From the Article “no sexual pleasure ability of robots with high IQ is not terrible”_2018-12-03



38th Thirty-eighth law: The same level of freedom that human society gives to humans themselves is often given to other species, including viruses, at the same level. The more freedom a civilization has, the harder it is to keep the Covid virus under control.(Democracy and freedom are not equal.) 

From the Article “American Elections (3)” _10.2.2022

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