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大智若愚33预测:Trump当选总统的可能性极大。根据“政权兴亡循环论”推导美国衰落历程:始于Reagan, 终于Trump。二者的相似性:
- 都曾是Hollywood二流演员;
- 都主张‘劫贫济富’,任内都大幅消减富豪的税负;
- 名字的相似:Ronald vs. Donald;
- 里根通过建硅谷搞新科技、赦移民,把美国第一大州–加州,变成了蓝州。川普在这方面也许是里根第二:通过建煤矿减新科技、堵移民,把第二大州–德州,也变成蓝州。
“美国过度提前消费的生活方式和社会管理方式已经走到了头。什么事情都不能过度。中庸之道讲的就是这个道理。 只是人的贪婪总会走向极端,否则,不会改弦更张的。毛泽东左到了极点,跑步进入共产主义,随后才是邓小平开始到今天的极右。毛泽东搞得都到了禁欲的边缘了,才会有现在乱性的地步。比如钟摆,比如荡秋千,往左走多远,然后就得往右走多远。这就是生命现象,而生命在于忽悠。社会的忽悠总是不撞南墙不回头。美国的过度提前消费快走到头了。然后就是180度大拐弯。 救市、注资,然后通货膨胀。震荡过后,提前消费的生活方式和社会管理方式才能告别历史。这当然还有很多年的时间。但不会放过婴儿潮这一代的。否则就不符合“出来混总是要还的”这一铁律了。”
“美国的基尼系数高升,是从里根经济学开始的。在罗斯福阶段,亿万富豪上税最高94%。里根经济学从两方面把美国带入长期动乱的险境:一方面政府债台高筑,靠举债度日;另一方面,百姓不存钱,而是“提前消费”就是寅吃卯粮。最终导致贫富差距越来越大,就是基尼系数到了按官方数字也超过了45的地步。这可是亿万富豪们把钱留在海外后的数字。真实数据无法得知。 美国以及欧洲的债务问题说到底就是绝大多数人“眼前怎么舒服就怎么来”的寅吃卯粮习惯造成的,就是今日有酒今朝醉,借债度日。这种习惯很难改变,因为群体的自制力逐代下降了。 “
“日本在台湾统治50年里台湾的基础设施建设一般般,台湾的经济腾飞是蒋经国时代,赶上了美国制造业外移毁掉美国的“里根经济学”机遇。中国取代亚洲四小龙成为美国的产品进口国也得感谢里根经济学。世界消费总量就那么大,美国放弃制造业,那一定有趁机靠制造业崛起的。美国的衰败是里根经济学的产物。 “
Trump当选对美国国运是非常不利的。他的新任期内,会发生债务危机经济危机导致的经济大萧条,中产阶级大规模失业必将带来巨大的社会动乱与破坏。这也是大多数选民的短视以及愚蠢导致的,让一个种族主义者、美国民主制度普世价值的破坏者、 “一个谎话连篇的大忽悠、犯罪分子、蠢货川普”再次当选。盖因:“润涛阎第零定律:在千万年的进化过程中,少数骗子带领多数傻子组成的群体, 战斗力最强。这是自然选择的结果。”
# | 文章 | 文学城链接 | 博客链接 |
1 | 再侃中共的江山始于毛泽东可能终于习近平 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
2 | 中国共产党不怕出戈尔巴乔夫 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
3 | 润涛阎不是什么神算(二) | 链接1 | 链接2 |
4 | 二论王岐山的命运 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
5 | 谈谈美国的借力打力 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
6 | 再论川普与习近平 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
7 | 习近平的依法治国 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
8 | 简述中共目前的局势 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
9 | Kavanaugh的伪证罪 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
10 | 美国能肢解中国吗? | 链接1 | 链接2 |
11 | 美国衰败的原因与走向 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
12 | (七)美国缺乏的是第二个罗斯福新政 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
13 | (六)美国有“影子政府”吗? | 链接1 | 链接2 |
14 | 最高法院与川普建墙堵西裔 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
15 | 圣母教堂大火-天灾与人祸 | 链接1 | 链接2 |
16 | 债务与中美社会动荡 | 链接2 | |
17 | 汶川大地震预示改朝换代还是要胡温的命? | 原文2008年05月24日发布于万维网 [天下论坛] |
[Editor’s note:
The U.S. election result will be announced soon. This article predicts the winner of this year’s presidential election based on Yan Runtao’s first law, “life lives in swinging.” and second law: “The rise and fall of the regimes has its own law: how they are gained is how they are lost. “
The quoted contents are Lao Yan’s original words. The unquoted part is the editor’s summary and extension of Lao Yan’s views.
By: Dazhiruoyu33]
Prediction of the Editor: Trump will probably win the presidential election in 2024. The prediction is based on Runtao Yan’s 1st law, “Life lives in swinging.” and 2nd law, “The regime begins and ends for the same reason.” The cycle of decline of the United States began with Reagan and will end with Trump. Similarities between the two:
- Both were once second-rate Hollywood actors;
- Both advocated “robbing the poor to feed the rich,” and both greatly reduced the tax burden on the rich while in office;
- Similarity in name: Ronald vs. Donald;
- Reagan turned California, the largest state in the United States, into a blue state by promoting Silicon Valley and the development of new technologies, and by pardoning undocumented immigrants. Trump may be the second Reagan: by promoting coal mining and de-promoting new technologies, and blocking immigrants, he may turn Texas, the second largest state, into a blue state.
Covid-19 temporarily rewrote history. It not only delayed the onset of the US debt and economic crisis, it also put Biden in power. But the laws of history cannot be broken. The decline of the United States will culminate with Trump’s return to power.
Runtao Yan’s First Law: Life lives in swinging.
Runtao Yan’s Second Law: The rise and fall of the regimes has its own law: how they are gained is how they are lost. The premise of the second law is that foreign invasions or extraterrestrial collisions are not covered by the law.
Runtao Yan’s Ninth Law: Once a social inertia system is formed, it is bound to come to an end.
“History repeats, which includes the regime. Historical repetition is possible, but not immediately; that would lead to an immediate crash.”
“Because of the repeatability of history, we can refer to it when predicting the future by comparing the similarities of historical events. It is important to understand what has happened at different times in the history of the United States, what is happening now that is similar to what has happened in history, future population movements, and other factors.”
“Everyone has his destiny; if he is destined to live until 70, then he won’t die at sixty. If he is destined to die at 80, then he won’t live until 81. It is the same with the regime. When destiny comes, it starts all over again.”
“From a metaphysical point of view, the ancient philosophers’ saying, ‘You will pay for what you have done,’ is exactly what they meant.”
In metaphysics, as the ancient philosophers said, “You will pay for what you do,”
“The cosmos is a phenomenon of life, and Runtao Yan’s first law, “Life lives in swinging,” is compatible not only with all other phenomena of life in the world but also with the universe itself. Society and its elements are living phenomena, thus they must swing from side to side.”
The American way of living and managing society, based on spending on credit, is coming to an end. Nothing should be overdone. The middle way speaks to this. Unfortunately, greed easily drives people to extremes, which leads to reversal once the extreme point is reached. Mao Zedong led China to the far left with the slogan “China is running into communism,” only to be followed by Deng Xiaoping, who started the far right to where we are today, where all the Chinese are crazy about money and nothing else. Mao Zedong pushed people to the edge of abstinence, which is why they are so promiscuous now. Like a pendulum, how far it swings to the left, then how far it must swing to the right. Runtao Yan’s first law discloses that society always makes a U-turn after reaching the end point.
America’s excessive early consumption is coming to an end. The financial crisis is approaching, and when it happens, government bailouts and capital injections will come first, followed by hyperinflation, leading to economic turmoil. By then, the consumerist lifestyle and the way society is run will be consigned to history. The baby boomers will not be spared. This is in accordance with the iron law that “you must pay back what you put out.” “Early consumption” has become the culture of Americans. Americans of all income levels rush to take on more debt. Regardless of how the financial crisis is handled, the end result is the same: either the United States prints more money for itself, resulting in inflation, or it allows China, Japan, and the oil-producing countries of the Middle East to flood the U.S. market with dollars, resulting in inflation. When the inflationary wave subsides, the American habit of excessive early consumption will end.
“Reagan, Trump and other Republicans are against Roosevelt They are the culprits and scum who destroy the United States because they widened the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States, the government was heavily in debt, private planes were getting bigger and bigger, while major cities were full of homeless people, which brought shame to the founding fathers of the United States. During Roosevelt’s New Deal, there was no such situation. Private planes? No way! The rich were taxed at up to 94%.”
“The rise in the Gini coefficient in the United States started with Reaganomics. During the Roosevelt period, billionaires were taxed up to 94%. Reaganomics brought the United States into a dangerous situation of long-term unrest in two ways: on the one hand, the government was deeply in debt and lived from it; second, people didn’t save money; they “pre-consumed” and spent more than they earned. Ultimately, the gap between the rich and the poor became wider and wider. According to government numbers, the Gini coefficient went over 45. This is the number after the billionaires hide their wealth overseas. The real data is unknown. The debt problems in the United States and Europe are ultimately caused by the habit of the vast majority of people to live on debt. This habit is difficult to change because the self-control of the group has declined from generation to generation. “
“The transformation of the United States from the largest creditor to the largest debtor has been a slow process, institutionally speaking, starting with Reaganomics with cutting tax rate of the billionaires and promoting the public to spend on debt. However, the fall of the Twin Towers, which induced George W. Bush Jr. to find a reason to start the eight-year war in Iraq and Afghanistan on a large scale while cutting tax for the billionaires, was the symbolic event that turned the United States into a highly indebted country and put it into a recessionary path.”
“Before Reaganomics, the CEO of America’s top large corporations earned 80 times the average income of the company’s employees. The riches were taxed at 70%. Now the CEOs of the top large corporations make more than 340 times the average income of their employees. Moreover, the CEO has the capacity to engage in tax avoidance through legally sanctioned strategies to reduce their income tax burden, a privilege not afforded to employees.
The implementation of tax avoidance legislation benefiting the rich commenced during the Reagan administration. Trump adopted Reagan’s policies and further cut the tax rate for the rich. Even worse, Trump nullified numerous executive orders implemented by the Obama administration to regulate financial institutions.
The Republican Party under Reagan was shortsighted and served the vested interest groups that put the United States on a path of increasing national debt and cutting tax rates for the rich. The United States is so burdened by the national debt that it may soon struggle to pay even the interest on borrowed money. Had Reagan refrained from endorsing a culture of credit-driven consumption and maintained the 90% tax rate on the rich, the United States would likely have avoided accumulating debt to the point of self-destruction.
Before the collapse of the Soviet Communist Party, the disparity between the rich and the poor in the United States was rather narrow, and the highest tax rate for the rich was 91%. For example, if one made a million dollars a year, after taxes one would only have $100,000 left over, whereas those made $100,000 would retain $60,000. The rich were willing to pay taxes to support the US wars abroad, assist the local underprivileged to preserve social order, and assist underdeveloped nations with infrastructure. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Republican Party pushed American society to the edge, where there were huge gaps between the rich and the poor. As a result, almost half of the population made less than the taxable income level.
Big credit card purchases didn’t exist before Reagan. One could only purchase with cash or checks. The checking account required a minimum balance of $400, and the only personal debt was the mortgage. Student loan debt was low because tuition was cheap.
“The US would be better off with a pre-Reagan democracy. Since Reagan, the US was a de facto one-party autocracy. Politicians are doing everything they can to let the rich legally avoid taxes. Both parties enrich the wealthy and impoverish the working class. Democrats are slightly better.
“Now, the US lacks excellent expansion strategists. Before being acquired from Mexico, the states, including California and Texas, were poor and full of gangs. The American politicians at that time were confident and quickly turned the incorporated those states into civilized, advanced, and law-abiding states that were the same as the northern states. Mexico has a higher GDP per capita than China. Mexico would soon become like the northern states of the USA if the USA took it over now. Tourism alone will make it richer than Alaska. The US lacks its former strategists. Politicians prioritize short-term gains. No one cares about the nation, only their families. Politicians are thinking of walls instead of expansion. Why don’t they fence the USA with the 9-meter walls and seal it? Politicians have made the USA the biggest debtor nation, dependent on foreign loans. Think of Thomas Jefferson, who established a political system of checks and balances and granted US citizens the right to bear and keep arms. That’s the strategist. Unfortunately, after 200 years, the USA has changed. That reminded us of the Roman Empire that fell and goes into history.”
“During the 50 years of Japanese rule in Taiwan, Taiwan’s infrastructure construction was mediocre. Taiwan’s economy boomed at the Chiang Ching-kuo era by catching up with the opportunity from “Reaganomics” that outsourced US manufacturing. Later, Reaganomics made China the US’s largest exporter, replacing the four Asian tigers. Reaganomics ruined US manufacturing. It also caused US decline. “
Editor’s note:
Trump’s reelection is very bad for the United States. In his new term, the debt and economic crises will burst, resulting in a widespread economic collapse, and large scale middle-class unemployment will cause massive social unrest and destruction. This is caused by the short-sightedness and stupidity of most people to vote for Trump, a racist, destructor of US democracy and universal value, and ‘a big liar, criminal, and idiot.’ Because according to “Runtao Yan’s zeroth law: In millions of years of evolution, a group of fools led by a few liars has the strongest fighting ability. This is the result of natural selection.”
The founding fathers, who devoted their wisdom and efforts to design and establish the democratic system of checks and balances that benefited generations, would be outraged to overturn their coffin lids if they knew it.
* The article was written a while ago. I released it today after the election ended since Runtao Yan previously stated that he did not want his forecast to influence readers’ voting decisions. I respect his ideas.